Sunday, October 6, 2019

Security versus privacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Security versus privacy - Essay Example High security standards mean detailed checkup of individuals and hence a privacy concern. We needed to change our policies to cater for the changing threat scenarios. These came with an unavoidable trade-offs to be made between security and privacy, therefore, leaving room for supporters of each value to debate policies and applications. Security, however, should be preferred over privacy, as it ensures smooth functioning of our national system and guards our economic investments. It ultimately provides us with a threat minimized environment to practice our civil rights. Being the major entry or exit points, airports need a filtration system to ensure our own protection. Security should, therefore, be preferred over privacy concerns while checking passengers. However, since the two values are interlinked, a balance must be made to address concerns of privacy while maintaining desired level of security. This balancing must not overrule security requirements, but find ways within proce dures to settle privacy concerns as much as possible. The paper will look into the issue by incorporating sources from the web, reports and personal experiences and takes into account, concerns by advocates of privacy. Security is considered as the most overpowering aspects to any value, such as privacy. Survival is our most quantified preference and we need survival to enjoy any other aspect of our lives. Security measures have far reaching physical and psychological aspects than visible to our naked eye. These measures reduce terror threats and provide us with psychological security to give us the freedom to enjoy our lives. It may be argued that this security comes at a cost of our privacy, but in fact it provides us with psychological freedom to practice our civil rights and freedom privately, at a fraction of inconvenience. Airport security systems are the best examples to evaluate the

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