Sunday, October 13, 2019

First-class Opportunities for Mature Students Essay -- Postgraduate Stu

A recent report has outlined several ways for universities to adapt to the rising amount of older learners seeking higher education. Published by Universities UK, the document addresses the growing demand for courses which are tailored to the needs of students who have completed their careers. The text says that, due to the projected rise in older learners – based upon the increased life expectancy of the UK population and the multiplying numbers of HE applications by this market – universities need to ‘find fresh ways of adapting to and supporting an ageing population’. Within the document, the authors call on universities to assist in promoting demographic change; Professor Chris Phillipson and Jim Ogg (both Keele University staff) say that a changed perception of older generations, and their role within society, can be promoted by higher education institutions through the introduction of fundamental alterations. The text advises universities to increase their involvement with support services aimed at older people, and to actively encourage psychological health in over 50s, ...

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