Thursday, October 31, 2019

How does buy a cup of coffee from starbucks affect to the environment Dissertation - 1

How does buy a cup of coffee from starbucks affect to the environment - Dissertation Example â€Å"Of all problems associated with continued rapid population growth , garbage and waste disposal may be among the most visible Poston,2010pg .372) .Only element which reduced expenditure for management on Municipal Solid Waste is food expenditure which only customer had control on. The main aim of this study was to recognize the challenging factors that contributed to the increase in the waste disposed across the cities of US. However a precise outcome was unavailable because of vague and ambiguous information acquired. As a conclusion it can be mentioned that, the solution to waste reduction rest solely with the customers and government, as their awareness only can truly influence Starbucks in becoming an eco -friendly coffee chain in future. Work Cited Poston, D.L. (2010). Population and society: an introduction to demography. Cambridge University Press

Monday, October 28, 2019

Ethical Considerations and Implications Essay Example for Free

Ethical Considerations and Implications Essay To digress into the philosophical and ethical discussions of state punishment is not to alienate the concept of punishment from justification for crimes done but to offer an insight into the principle of proportionality. Ideally, it is not possible to stifle concerns of the legalized infliction of harm and the trampling of inalienable human rights even in the face of incriminating evidence on the part of the offender. Punishment serves to advance the states responsibility of maintaining harmony through legal infliction of considerable harm for the purposes of retribution for wrongs done and the maintenance of law and order in the society. Reflections of punishment are as old as the very onset of philosophical thinking (Ryberg 2004). The proportionality principle lies at the very core of legislative reforms that determine the structure of the state punishment system (Ryberg 2004). It is the meeting point between philosophical thinking that purport to eliminate the structures of punishment on one side and penologists on the other hand. Because the existence of punishment of criminal acts is not a matter of question in recent days, proportionalism only seeks to determine the extent to which certain crimes may be punishable. It is about quantitative distribution of punishments and that is why it elicits ethical tones. Surveys of public opinion have always been harsh on the criminal. When this is coupled to political pressure on the judicial system to institute harsher penalties, notable ethical implications may arise with respect to the application of the law proportionately to the seriousness of crime as well as policy objectives of the legal statute. A crisis of confidence has always marked the ability of the criminal law and criminal justice system to built a just and crime free society (Fagan 2008). Several statutes have been enacted to try and achieve this end objective but there still remains a gap in community justice. Supermaximum Prisons Supermaximum prisons or â€Å"supermax† prisons as they are commonly called are ideally jails within prisons. The prison is a classic scenario of an enclosure where individuals are kept as they undergo correction. However this controlled environment does not prevent some individuals from engaging in assault or violent acts, incite disturbances, prey on weaker and vulnerable inmates, attempt to escape or exhibit any other form of disruptive behavior (Riveland 1999). Since order and safety remain the basic priorities of the correctional facility, such people must be isolated from the general prison population as they exhibit behavioral characteristics that threaten the order and safety of the prison populace. Different correctional facilities have their own form of such isolation. Some call it disciplinary segregation, punitive segregation or just segregation to differentiate it from the general prison housing. Such a confinement exists in complete isolation. Structurally, it is a single, windowless cell where inmates are made to spend 23 or more hours a day. In such isolation, inmates are solely dependent on staff that patrols the tiers, push mail, toilet paper or meals through small spaces in the heavy doors. For the few minutes that prisoners gain the opportunity to be led out, they are often shackled and cuffed under full prison guard. This only happens during showers or a little solitary wander in the yards. The extremity of the confinement defines the prison systems success in isolation (Rhodes 2005). According to the prison officers or the media these are the manifestations of the worst cases of criminal behavior. While it can be confirmed that there are cases where such confinement is meant only for prisoners who have been convicted of serious crimes, the reality is that most of these cases involve prison misbehavior by individuals under protective custody or those convicted on minor offenses. Statistically, United States prisons may be holding up to 20,000 people in such conditions (Rhodes 2005). Therefore for minor behavioral discrepancies an individual may receive a gift of a punitive and individualistic form of punishment. There are a number of select factors that are independent of prisoner behavior but which propagate the shift towards segregation units. From political pressure on the judicial system for harsher sentences, economic deprivation of the low income rural localities, inherent population pressure in prison establishments and staffing issues, the supermax prison phenomenon is rife in America today and policy backups to address this clearly defined ethical issue is non existent. Rhodes notes that such facilities are seldom put under the limelight in public prison debates and budgetary allocations. When this is coupled to the fact that the facilities are completely out of bounds to the ordinary public arena, salient ethical issues arise that need to be addressed. The pragmatical and philosophical aspect of the supermax phenomenon presents grave complications to the forgotten prisoner languishing in solitary confinement (Rhodes 2005). Health studies have found out a direct nexus between solitary segregation and the pathological development and progression of mental illness. Initially, decompensation sets in as a result of psychological damage caused by isolating an individual from fellow inmates (Lovell 2004). The cost-benefit, operating costs, legal and ethical issues of supermaximum facilities raise an uproar in debates. While the continued construction of supermaximum facilities can be attributed to political pressure, the overall constitutionality behind the insistence on such programs still remains unclear (Riveland 1999). Priority on human control has given rise to a host of debilitating mental conditions. Research publications are more focused on the eventuality on recidivist criminal behavior while the damage to the psychological integrity of inmates takes a backbench. When large numbers of characteristically dissimilar inmates are incarcerated, such diversity has the potential to potentially damage any notable correctional improvements creating a situation where the prisons act only as a maturing ground for worse cases of criminal activity. Unfortunately, policy makers have not been as astute in presenting solutions to such ethical dilemmas like they legislate for the building of segregation units (Riveland 1999). Several research studies on the supermaximum prison facilities have concluded that despite the insistence that such facilities are necessary for meting out harsher sentences, they only serve to increase the prevalence and incidence of mental illnesses and sink budgetary financial allocations with no apparent social or economic benefits (Pizarro et al 2004). Legal ambiguities have been the cause of dire ethical implications and complications as regards punishment policy making initiatives. Zero tolerance as a concept is not fully defined even though it is representative of an approach to policing. Legal debates have raged as to the true nature of the term. Invariably, it has been linked to a variety of definitions. Being tough on crime is an example of the definition of the term. While being tough implies that something is about crime in general it usually lacks requisite explanation as regards punishment. Curiously though, being tough on crime has been the most commonly accepted denotion of zero tolerance policing and as such legal enforcement has been in the context of being tougher ion crime through harsher penalties. On the other hand, zero tolerance policing implies a strict non-discretionary context of law enforcement. Such a definition explains a key aspect of law enforcement where police activity is at its highest and the community at large takes a precautionary measure to desist from falling into the hands of the law enforcement offices. Moreover under such a policy, officers arrest or report offenses with no exception to the type of illegal act committed (Marshall 1999).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Elective Cesarean Section Procedure Health And Social Care Essay

Elective Cesarean Section Procedure Health And Social Care Essay Cesarean sections, once performed to save the life of mother or baby, are now offered as an elective procedure. Women choose elective cesarean sections in the belief that the surgery is safe and vaginal birth poses risk of harm to themselves or their child. A look at studies and literature shows that these unwanted consequences of vaginal delivery result from the aggressive management of labor by obstetricians. Rather than resorting to major surgery, a return to the midwifery model of care will benefit mother and babies in low-risk pregnancies. Elective Cesarean Section Once reserved as a procedure of last resort to save the life of mother or baby, cesarean section (CS) surgery is now offered as an elective procedure to mothers who wish to avoid the experience of labor and delivery. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) published a committee opinion in November 2003 supporting the permissibility of elective cesarean delivery in a normal pregnancy, after adequate informed consent(American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists [ACOG], p. 1101). Women may choose this option in the belief that circumventing vaginal delivery preserves the integrity of their pelvic floor, or provides better outcomes for their children. Although some believe birth by elective cesarean section (ECS) is preferable to vaginal birth, it can be shown that in low-risk pregnancies, vaginal birth is safer for both mother and baby. Supporters of ECS believe vaginal delivery results in damage to the pelvic floor, which may lead to urinary incontinence (UI), anal incontinence, sexual dysfunction, or pelvic organ prolapsed (Nygaard Cruikshank, 2003). There are studies that support this belief. In one study of primiparous women twenty-six percent had incontinence at six months postpartum, the rate being lowest with elective cesarean (five percent), higher with cesarean during labour (twelve percent), higher still following a spontaneous vaginal birth (twenty-two percent) and highest following a vaginal forceps delivery (thirty-three percent) (Hannah, 2004, p. 813). The physicians that champion the cause of ECS and the women who buy into their sales pitch for ECS believe they are preventing this damage. However, an ECS may not guarantee prevention of pelvic floor damage, and its benefits are at best short-term. Some women who undergo ECS suffer from incontinence, suggesting pregnancy itself, along with hereditary indications, are risk factors (Leeman, 2005; Nygaard Cruikshank, 2003). Other studies indicate there are no significant differences between the vaginal birth and CS groups at two years postpartum (Goer, 2001). Buschsbaum, Chin, Glantz, and Guzick (2002) found no significant differences exist in the prevalence of UI between nulliparous and parous women after menopause. Before we point the finger at the natural process of vaginal delivery as the cause of this pelvic floor damage, we should look at the interventions that may cause these problems. Goer (2001) suggests obstetric interventions of second stage labor, not vaginal birth, causes damage to the pelvic floor. Obstetric management such as episiotomies, forceps and vacuum extractions, dorsal lithotomy position, and the Valsalva maneuver may be the cause of the pelvic floor compromise the ECS supporters are concerned about. Goer suggests using upright positions for pushing, following the patients natural urges to push, and elimination of routine episiotomies to decrease the damage to the pelvic floor. If she is correct, and alterations in routine obstetric care remove the concern of pelvic floor damage, then the safety of the baby becomes the cry of ECS supporters. The ECS supporters argue the safety issue with multiple claims for the protective value of skipping labor and vaginal delivery. They claim we can preemptively protect the fetus by CS prior to the onset of labor. This protection can include: the reduction of stillbirth related to post-maturity, damage from oxygen deprivation secondary to cord compression during labor and delivery, and birth trauma related to use of forceps or vacuum extraction (Armson, 2007). For mothers with medical conditions or the compromised fetus, a scheduled CS is a valid option. However, labor and vaginal delivery is a natural, generally safe, process, not something from which the low-risk fetus needs protection. Those opposed to ECS believe risks to the infant from vaginal birth are minimal and adverse fetal outcomes rare, however, we may be increasing risks due to unnecessary obstetrical interventions during labor and birth. For the low-risk patient, the increase in maternal morbidity and mortality (Armson, 2007) resulting from major surgery does not justify the possibility of preventing the rare adverse fetal outcome. Better screening of those patients at risk will properly identify those patients who would legitimately benefit from surgery. Similar to the suggestion that obstetric management causes damage to the mothers pelvic floor, Goer (2001) argues that obstetric interventions also put the baby at risk. In first stage labor these interventions include pitocin augmentation and artificial rupture of membranes. In second stage labor, the same interventions that injure the mother, such as forceps, vacuum extraction, and sustained Valsalva maneuver, cause trauma for the infant. She suggest s patience, gentle management of labor and delivery, and respect for mothers natural pushing ability to reduce injury to the infant. Vaginal delivery with minimal interventions does not need to be feared. Despite improvements in the safety of CS over the years, vaginal birth remains safer than a CS for both mother and baby in low-risk pregnancies. In contrast to ACOGs committee opinion, The American College of Nurse-Midwives Identifies vaginal birth as the optimal mode of birth for women and their babies and this practice [cesarean section] is not supported by scientific evidence (American College of Nurse-Midwives, 2005). Cesarean sections carry significant risks to mother, baby, and interfere with the mother-baby dyad. Short term, vaginal birth is the safest choice for low-risk women, eliminating many of the complications inherent to a CS as listed by Armson (2007): The overall risk of severe maternal morbidity was 3.1 times that in the planned vaginal delivery group, including increased risks of postpartum cardiac arrest, wound hematoma, hysterectomy, major puerperal infection, anesthetic complications, venous thromboembolism and hemorrhage requiring hysterectomy . . . hemorrhage requiring transfusion, hysterectomy and uterine rupture; intensive care admission; and postpartum readmission to hospital (p. 475). Women who birth vaginally face fewer complications, leave the hospital quicker, and have a shorter recovery time (Hannah, 2004). The benefits of vaginal birth are not limited to the immediate period of birth and postpartum. The choice between vaginal and CS impact the entire range of a womans childbearing years. Future labors tend to be shorter for women who birth vaginally. Their deliveries are quicker, and they are less likely to need a CS in the future. In comparison, internal scar tissue and adhesions following a CS increases risk factors for future pregnancies, independent of the future method of delivery (Leeman, 2006). These risks include: infertility; ectopic pregnancy; miscarriage; placenta abnormalities such as placenta previa or placenta acretia; [and] complications of repeat cesarean birth (Armson, 2007, p. 475). Women with placental abnormities face higher maternal mortality and morbidity rates (Lyerly Schwartz, 2004), as well as an increased need for hysterectomies (Armson, 2007). Primary cesarean birth is also associated with increased risks in subsequent pregnancies of preterm delivery, low birth weight, stillbirth and neonatal death (Armson, 2007, p. 476). The mothers choices regarding mode of delivery have long reaching effects for herself, as well as the child that she carries. Vaginal birth is also the safest choice for babies, as they avoid many of the neonatal complications which follow pre-labor CS. These risks include: respiratory problems, persistent pulmonary hypertension, asphyxia, delayed neurologic adaptation and neonatal intensive care admission (Armson, 2007, p. 476). Many et al. (2006) suggest that the mechanism of labor benefits the babys respiratory system. Other complications CS babies face are iatrogenic prematurity (Lyerly Schwartz, 2004), and lacerations or other neonatal trauma during surgery (Armson, 2007). Babies born by CS also face long term health risks; they are more likely to develop asthma, diabetes, food allergies and obesity than vaginally born children (Steer, 2009). The benefits to the mother and the baby as individuals also benefit the mother-baby unit. Finally, mother-baby couplets benefit from a vaginal birth in multiple ways. The natural hormonal rush which occurs in labor prepares a woman for breastfeeding and facilitates bonding. Women who birth vaginally have less discomfort and shorter recovery times following birth and are thus better able to care for, and bond with, their babies. This enhances mother-baby interaction and supports babys emotional development. Breastfeeding rates are higher and depression rates are lower following vaginal birth (International Cesarean Awareness Network, 2008). These benefits extend long term; they establish the foundation of the lifetime mother-child relationship. The decision to give birth by CS greatly affects mother, baby, and future pregnancies and should not be offered electively as if it were a minor cosmetic surgery. The benefits of ECS compared to vaginal birth have not been proven, and the risks are substantial to not just one, but two (or more) patients. Women may fear labor. Birth attendants may fear legal risks from adverse fetal outcomes. These fears do not indicate that womens bodies are incapable of birthing; rather, they indicate the failure of obstetric management of labor. We should not base our decisions on fear or faulty research. We should address the concerns of ECS proponents raise. We need to conduct more research into prevention of pelvic floor damage. The American College of Nurse-Midwives (2005) offers the follow guidelines: Supports womens right to accurate, balanced and complete information regarding the risks and benefits of both vaginal birth and cesarean section. Promotes decision-making about mode of delivery that is evidence based and not unduly influenced by factors such as liability, convenience or economics. Supports further research to evaluate the short and long-term medical, psychosocial, economic and cultural sequelae for mothers, babies, including future pregnancies associated with elective primary cesarean section. As birth attendants follow these guidelines, women will be empowered to make informed decisions about their care. These decisions affect the physical and emotional health of these women and their children for a lifetime. We have an obligation to manage birth in a manner that causes the least harm to mother while providing the best outcome for babies.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Opium (Papaver somniferum) Essay examples -- Botany

Opium (Papaver somniferum) The opium poppy has been used as a medicinal plant for centuries all over the world. The opium poppy plant belongs to the Papaveraceae family. The scientific name of the opium poppy is Papaver somniferum L., and it is native to Turkey. The plant has lobed leaves, milky sap and four to six petaled flowers with several stamens surrounding the ovary. The two sepals drop off when the petals unfold. The ovary then develops into a short, many seeded capsule that opens in dry weather. The small seeds of the opium poppy plant are dispersed by wind. The plant has five inch purple or white flowers on plants three to sixteen feet tall. It is and annual plant which needs to be planted only once for several years of harvest. There are many varieties of poppy plants grown other then the opium poppy, mostly for seasonings, oil, birdseed and attractive flowers. The poppy plants produce natural opiates. An opiate is defined as the drug derived from the opium poppy and are found in the milky substance extracted from the unripe seeds. The opiates are the best known narcotics. There are twenty different alkaloids derived from the opiates. Codeine and Morphine are the ones that are still in widespread use today. Codeine is a milder form of morphine and both are used today in the medical field for relieving pain. To obtain opium from Papaver somniferum is a very easy thing to do. It is a very common plant and is easy to purchase. The seeds can be planted and little care is needed to grow healthy plants. When the flowers turn to seed, the seed pods are slightly incised and a white milky liquid is dispersed. The liquid is allowed to seep out and dry for a few hours. The white liquid will turn to black when it is expo... ...for simple uses, the plant produces a drug that causes death and injury. The medicinal uses have been overlooked by people using opium for recreation, causes strict restrictions and laws to control it. The opium poppy has gained much attention all around the world. Reports Cited 1. Alcohol and Drugs Consumption: Psychotropic Drug: The varieties of psychotrophic drug: OPIUM, MORPHINE, HEROIN, and Related Synthetics: History ( 2. Facts about opiates ( . 3. Opiates: High risk addiction ( 4. "Opium" Britannica Online ( Opium (Papaver somniferum) Essay examples -- Botany Opium (Papaver somniferum) The opium poppy has been used as a medicinal plant for centuries all over the world. The opium poppy plant belongs to the Papaveraceae family. The scientific name of the opium poppy is Papaver somniferum L., and it is native to Turkey. The plant has lobed leaves, milky sap and four to six petaled flowers with several stamens surrounding the ovary. The two sepals drop off when the petals unfold. The ovary then develops into a short, many seeded capsule that opens in dry weather. The small seeds of the opium poppy plant are dispersed by wind. The plant has five inch purple or white flowers on plants three to sixteen feet tall. It is and annual plant which needs to be planted only once for several years of harvest. There are many varieties of poppy plants grown other then the opium poppy, mostly for seasonings, oil, birdseed and attractive flowers. The poppy plants produce natural opiates. An opiate is defined as the drug derived from the opium poppy and are found in the milky substance extracted from the unripe seeds. The opiates are the best known narcotics. There are twenty different alkaloids derived from the opiates. Codeine and Morphine are the ones that are still in widespread use today. Codeine is a milder form of morphine and both are used today in the medical field for relieving pain. To obtain opium from Papaver somniferum is a very easy thing to do. It is a very common plant and is easy to purchase. The seeds can be planted and little care is needed to grow healthy plants. When the flowers turn to seed, the seed pods are slightly incised and a white milky liquid is dispersed. The liquid is allowed to seep out and dry for a few hours. The white liquid will turn to black when it is expo... ...for simple uses, the plant produces a drug that causes death and injury. The medicinal uses have been overlooked by people using opium for recreation, causes strict restrictions and laws to control it. The opium poppy has gained much attention all around the world. Reports Cited 1. Alcohol and Drugs Consumption: Psychotropic Drug: The varieties of psychotrophic drug: OPIUM, MORPHINE, HEROIN, and Related Synthetics: History ( 2. Facts about opiates ( . 3. Opiates: High risk addiction ( 4. "Opium" Britannica Online (

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Sixth Sense Film Analysis

With a close up of the award, the clip begins with our view of the couple only in reflection of Malcolm’s recent award, which is made to seem meaningless as we can’t read the writing despite it being in centre of the frame. The award is in a red frame. This already seems to be warning to both Malcolm and Anna that danger could be heading their way, especially during the reflected close-up shot of the two. It also makes us wonder why this prop appears slanted on the chair.This suggests that the award is a symbol of danger. Also, the red lighting on the couple from the fire leads us to believe that they are now the central target of a dangerous presence. Which we see in upcoming events. The only sound we hear is diegetic, though its very quiet which gives off a calm atmosphere but may also suggest we should be listening for something. In the shot where the couple are reflected in the frame, we see that she is lower down than him showing the characters importance.00:06:08 A wide shot is used to show the scenery and expensive objects. We can see that they are a wealthy couple through the setting. The large living room has what looks to be expensive furnishings and an ornate fireplace as well as a grandfather clock and chandelier in the equally big hallway. We also can assume this as Malcolm is wearing a jumper with a rowing club logo, something we often associate with richer people. The couple then head upstairs and discover the house has been broken into.The setting suddenly becomes dark and we see Anna’s shadow on the wall, She’s positioned to the right in front of the open window showing a dangerous situation, this is also hinted as her back is turned on the dark room insinuating there may be something lurking in the shadows, which is why the lighting is very low key and dull. We hear some diegetic sound though its rather quiet which helps to change the atmosphere from relaxing to a tense and suspicious one.00:06:41 Malcolm approaches his wife to see what the problem is, with this we get a point of view shot, the camera examines the floor before tracking up to the smashed window, the shot lasts approximately 8 seconds and allows us to take in the situation. The phone on the ground makes a beeping noise similar to the sound of a warning alarm which should be seen as a warning in its self. The noise then dies out which links to Malcolm’s life later in the scene.We can assume this scene is centred around Malcolm as it’s his view we’re seeing from, it’s also his bag we see on the floor sprinkled with shattered glass as well as earlier the winning of the award. 00:06:54 A mid-shot Is used to show Malcolm being protective of his wife. As the couple have now taken off there expensive jackets/cover ups it seems they also lost the power that comes with it. 00:07:08 The camera slowly zooms towards Malcolm and straight cuts back to a point of view shot, as this happens we hear the non- diegetic music increasing the tension.As we see Malcolm begin to move we also hear the faint noise of movement from the intruder, this (as well as the camera shot) is allowing the audience to capture that the intruder is standing in the bathroom. We see in a point of view shot to add tension as well as close ups so the audience can see the expression on Malcolm’s face. Though the distance from the bathroom and the position of Malcolm isn’t far at all 13 seconds pass before we discover who is in the room, the time has been stretched out to cause more tension.00:07:13 The first view we get of the bathroom is of the floor as the shot is still from Malcolm’s point of view, the fact we see the floor before the camera moves up shows that he isn’t confident enough to look straight ahead, the shot then is then zoomed out to create a full body shot. it’s obvious the man we see (Vincent) isn’t mentally stable due to the break in, his body language and the fact he’s took the majority of his clothes off, knowing this Malcolm speaks quietly trying to keep a clam atmosphere.As Vincent moves towards the door we hear the diagetic sound return, we also see Malcolm and his wife are aware of the danger, when Vincent moves closer and Malcolm steps back. 00:09:10 A mid-shot frame is used when Vincent starts to become angry and upset making him unpredictable and therefore more of a risk, the pan across Vincent’s face to allow us to see the emotions and then does the same to Malcolm. Vincents body language also tells the audience how unstable he is, one arm  is ‘protecting’ him throughout, he’s also very closed and shrugged which also gives off the sense of fear.The scene becomes very quiet with the only sound being whispers and crying. 00:09:51 A mid-shot is used as Vincent shoots the gun. High key lighting has been used to show whats going on as it’s done very quickly. The loud gunshot comes as a shock to the audience as it’s been very quiet which adds more shock, within seconds Vincent turns the gun on himself.The camera pans while this happens. Malcolm was shot in his rowing jumper, making it ironic that he was shot right in front of his rowing photo in which they all look happy and full of life. 00:10:27 A crane movement is used to end the scene, the screen then fades black and remains silent for a moment before playing the same non-diegetic music as earlier in the scene. The lighting is very dark and the room is a mess which represents the current situation The sixth sense film analysis With a close up of the award, the clip begins with our view of the couple only in reflection of Malcolm’s recent award, which is made to seem meaningless as we can’t read the writing despite it being in centre of the frame. The award is in a red frame. This already seems to be warning to both Malcolm and Anna that danger could be heading their way, especially during the reflected close-up shot of the two. It also makes us wonder why this prop appears slanted on the chair.This suggests that the award is a symbol of danger. Also, the red lighting on the couple from the fire leads us to believe that they are now the central target of a dangerous presence. Which we see in upcoming events. The only sound we hear is diegetic, though its very quiet which gives off a calm atmosphere but may also suggest we should be listening for something. In the shot where the couple are reflected in the frame, we see that she is lower down than him showing the characters importance.A wide sh ot is used to show the scenery and expensive objects. We can see that they are a wealthy couple through the setting. The large living room has what looks to be expensive furnishings and an ornate fireplace as well as a grandfather clock and chandelier in the equally big hallway. We also can assume this as Malcolm is wearing a jumper with a rowing club logo, something we often associate with richer people. The couple then head upstairs and discover the house has been broken into.The setting suddenly becomes dark and we see Anna’s shadow on the wall, She’s positioned to the right in front of the open window showing a dangerous situation, this is also hinted as her back is turned on the dark room insinuating there may be something lurking in the shadows, which is why the lighting is very low key and dull. We hear some diegetic sound though its rather quiet which helps to change the atmosphere from relaxing to a tense and suspicious one.Malcolm approaches his wife to see w hat the problem is, with this we get a point of view shot, the camera examines the floor before tracking up to the smashed window, the shot lasts approximately 8 seconds and allows us to take in the situation. The phone on the ground makes a beeping noise similar to the sound of a warning alarm which should be seen as a warning in its self. The noise then dies out which links to Malcolm’s life later in the scene.We can assume this scene is centred around Malcolm as it’s his view we’re seeing from, it’s also his bag we see on the floor sprinkled with shattered glass as well as earlier the winning of the award. A mid-shot Is used to show Malcolm being protective of his wife. As the couple have now taken off there expensive jackets/cover ups it seems they also lost the power that comes with it. 00:07:08 The camera slowly zooms towards Malcolm and straight cuts back to a point of view shot, as this happens we hear the non- diegetic music increasing the tensio n.As we see Malcolm begin to move we also hear the faint noise of movement from the intruder, this (as well as the camera shot) is allowing the audience to capture that the intruder is standing in the bathroom. We see in a point of view shot to add tension as well as close ups so the audience can see the expression on Malcolm’s face. Though the distance from the bathroom and the position of Malcolm isn’t far at all 13 seconds pass before we discover who is in the room, the time has been stretched out to cause more tension.The first view we get of the bathroom is of the floor as the shot is still from Malcolm’s point of view, the fact we see the floor before the camera moves up shows that he isn’t confident enough to look straight ahead, the shot then is then zoomed out to create a full body shot. it’s obvious the man we see (Vincent) isn’t mentally stable due to the break in, his body language and the fact he’s took the majority of hi s clothes off, knowing this Malcolm speaks quietly trying to keep a clam atmosphere.As Vincent moves towards the door we hear the diagetic sound return, we also see Malcolm and his wife are aware of the danger, when Vincent moves closer and Malcolm steps back. A mid-shot frame is used when Vincent starts to become angry and upset making him unpredictable and therefore more of a risk, the pan across Vincent’s face to allow us to see the emotions and then does the same to Malcolm. Vincents body language also tells the audience how unstable he is, one armis ‘protecting’ him throughout, he’s also very closed and shrugged which also gives off the sense of fear. The scene becomes very quiet with the only sound being whispers and crying. A mid-shot is used as Vincent shoots the gun. High key lighting has been used to show whats going on as it’s done very quickly. The loud gunshot comes as a shock to the audience as it’s been very quiet which adds mo re shock, within seconds Vincent turns the gun on himself.The camera pans while this happens. Malcolm was shot in his rowing jumper, making it ironic that he was shot right in front of his rowing photo in which they all look happy and full of life. 00:10:27 A crane movement is used to end the scene, the screen then fades black and remains silent for a moment before playing the same non-diegetic music as earlier in the scene. The lighting is very dark and the room is a mess which represents the current situation

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Dont Do Due Diligence

Dont Do Due Diligence Don’t Do Due Diligence Don’t Do Due Diligence By Maeve Maddox Not so very long ago, the only people I heard talk about â€Å"due diligence† were realtors. Due diligence is a legal term that refers to the exercise of proper care and attention to avoid committing an offense through ignorance. For example, a realtor must trace previous ownership and make sure that a property is free and clear before selling it to a new owner. In another context, due diligence is the comprehensive appraisal of a business undertaken to evaluate the commercial worth of a business. Due diligence is exercised to investigate such matters as assets and liabilities. Since the 1980s, the expression â€Å"due diligence† has migrated from legal and business use to the general vocabulary, where it has become an inflated synonym for â€Å"comparison shopping.† comparison shopping: comparing the same or similar products or services as offered by different retailers, manufacturers, etc. in order to find the best value at the lowest price. A few users do seem to understand that â€Å"due diligence† is a specialized term in need of explanation: Prudence would dictate that such an important decision [choosing a college] be preceded by a serious period of what on Wall Street is called due diligence. By going through the above information-gathering activities [i.e., researching colleges], you are performing your due diligence in making a final choice.   More commonly, writers use of the expression as if it were simply another way of saying â€Å"research a subject,† â€Å"compare prices,† â€Å"shop around,† or â€Å"think things through†: Always use your due diligence when researching DHT blockers/inhibitor [in shampoos] I never make a decision on ANYTHING without first doing my Yelp due diligence.    Due diligence in the running shoe  arena can make a huge difference between success and failure. A bride that has done her due diligence in her quest to truly find the best wedding dress always asks the question, â€Å"where else can I go to compare this particular dress style?† [Before buying a dog] practice due diligence by researching dog breeds, asking family, friends or neighbours who have dogs, and consulting experts. Using the verb do with â€Å"due diligence† creates a mildly comic effect because of the juxtaposition of the â€Å"do† sounds: Dont Wing It To Strategically Position Yourself, Do Your Due Diligence Do You Do Due Diligence? Who are we to get in the way of mamas who want to do their due diligence and sample lots more of our clothing? â€Å"Do due diligence† echoes the humorous euphemism â€Å"doo-doo.† I even found a headline that deliberately plays on the doo-doo effect: Doo Your Due Diligence when Using a Kennel The story under the headline has nothing to do with doo-doo, but I don’t think that the spelling is a typo. The site is run by a business called ScooperDude; it offers a weekly clean-up service to dog owners who don’t want to pick up after their own dogs. When it comes to â€Å"due diligence,† it’s better to exercise it or practice it than to do it. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:8 Writing Tips for BeginnersThe Uses of â€Å"The†

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Virginia Woolfs Thoughts

that the men’s college is of high society, and the women’s college is shadowed with destitute necessities. Woolf has indeed attempted to stress the importance of women’s place in society in comparison to that of the man’s. A detailed meal description pertaining to the men’s college, such as, â€Å"The lunch on this occasion began with soles, sunk in a deep dish, over which the college cook had spread a counterpane of the whitest cream, save that it was branded here and there with brown spots like the spots on the flanks of a doe†¦Ã¢â‚¬  proves that Virginia Woolf even went in depth to exaggerate the favoritism shown towards t... Free Essays on Virginia Woolf's Thoughts Free Essays on Virginia Woolf's Thoughts Woolf’s Personal Thoughts Revealed In this passage, Virginia Woolf has taken her motivational views about women and fiction and has woven them into a story which is set in an imaginary place where her audience can feel comfortable and can open their minds to what she has to offer. Woolf’s personal views, opinions on women’s place, plus her examples of rhetorical devices such as diction, details, and syntax, add up to one incredible and creative piece of literature. Woolf expresses through diction, her own attitudes about the way women have been treated, and how their values are naturally different from those that men have. In describing the men’s college, Woolf’s particular word choice, such as â€Å"partridges†, and the phrase that â€Å"their sprouts foliated as rosebuds but more succulent†¦Ã¢â‚¬  show that she views this society as upper class and more complex. This observation is reversed when, in the second passage, Woolf describes the meals at the women’s college. By using such words as â€Å"doubtless†¦uncharitable†¦and stringy†, it is obvious that her opinion clearly states that women are inferior to men, therefore, their living arrangements are subjacent as well. It is not difficult to comprehend the apparent distinction in which Virginia Woolf is trying to make, showing through her words that the men’s college is of high society, and the women’s college is shadowed with destitute necessities. Woolf has indeed attempted to stress the importance of women’s place in society in comparison to that of the man’s. A detailed meal description pertaining to the men’s college, such as, â€Å"The lunch on this occasion began with soles, sunk in a deep dish, over which the college cook had spread a counterpane of the whitest cream, save that it was branded here and there with brown spots like the spots on the flanks of a doe†¦Ã¢â‚¬  proves that Virginia Woolf even went in depth to exaggerate the favoritism shown towards t...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Delgado Surname Meaning and Origin

Delgado Surname Meaning and Origin The Delgado surname was originally bestowed as a  nickname for a thin person, from the Spanish/Portuguese delgado, meaning thin, slender. The term originated from the Latin delicatus, meaning dainty or exquisite. Delgado is the 46th most common Hispanic surname. Surname Origin:  Spanish, Portuguese Alternate Surname Spellings:  DELGATO, DELGADILLO, DELGARDO, DELEGADO, DELAGADO Famous People with the Surname DELGADO Carlos Delgado - Puerto Rican baseball playerIssac Delgado - Cuban salsa/timba starPedro Delgado - Spanish professional cyclist and former winner of the Tour de FranceHumberto da Silva Delgado - General of the Portuguese Air ForceJames Delgado -  maritime archaeologist, explorer and authorChiquinquir Delgado  - Venezuelan television host, actress and modelJosà © Manuel Rodrà ­guez Delgado - Spanish neuroscientist, famed for his research into electrical stimulation of the brain Where Do People With the DELGADO Surname Live? The surname distribution data at  Forebears  ranks Delgado as the 433rd most common surname in the world, identifying it as most prevalent in Mexico and with the highest density in Cape Verde. The Delgado surname is the 14th most common surname in Cape Verde, 26th in Ecuador, 30th in Cuba, 34th in Spain and 36th in Venezuela. The Delgato spelling is most prevalent in the United States, especially in California, Florida, Texas, New York and Pennsylvania. The Delgado surname is prevalent throughout most of Spain, according to  WorldNames PublicProfiler,  with the greatest numbers of individuals named Delgado found in the Canary Islands, followed by the provinces of western Spain. Genealogy Resources for the Surname DELGADO 100 Most Common Spanish Surnames: Have you ever wondered about your Spanish last name and how it came to be? This article describes common Spanish naming patterns and explores the meaning and origins of 100 common Spanish surnames.How to Research Hispanic Heritage: Learn how to get started researching  your Hispanic ancestors, including the basics of family tree research and country specific organizations, genealogical records, and resources for Spain, Latin America, Mexico, Brazil, the Caribbean, and other Spanish speaking countries.Delgado Family Crest - Its Not What You Think: Contrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Delgado family crest or coat of arms for the Delgado surname.  Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male-line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted.  The Delgado DNA Project: The Delgado Family Project seeks to find common heritage among males with the Delgado last name through the sharing of information and DNA testing. DELGADO Family Genealogy Forum: Search this popular genealogy forum for the Delgado surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Delgado query.FamilySearch - DELGADO Genealogy: Access over 1.6 million free historical records and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Delgado surname and its variations on this free genealogy website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.DELGADO Surname Family Mailing Lists: This free mailing list for researchers of the Delgado surname and its variations includes subscription details and a searchable archives of past - DELGADO Genealogy Family History: Explore free databases and genealogy links for the last name Delgado.The Delgado Genealogy and Family Tree Page: Browse family trees and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the last name Delgado from the website of Genealogy Today. -References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil.  Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Dorward, David.  Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998. Fucilla, Joseph.  Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges.  A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick.  Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Reaney, P.H.  A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997. Smith, Elsdon C.  American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Developing Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Developing Management - Assignment Example In addition, Ryanair is famous for its cost minimizing operations such as: lack of air bridges and first-come first served basis model for seat allocation (GanusauskaitÄâ€", 12). The organization has set a strong corporate culture and highly focuses on its management style. The CEO, Micheal OLeary is popular for his candid yet strict leadership styles which lead to the revolution of Ryanair (GanusauskaitÄâ€", 16). One problem in Ryanair’s organizational culture is lack of good customer service. Although the airline is close to its employees, it is not very reputed to have good relations with its customers (Sparrow). According to Nwagbara (207) Ryaniar has hostile relations with the public and makes little attempts to satisfy them. In addition, the company does not focus on providing an experience to its customers rather it aims to reach the destination in a safe manner. In my opinion, Ryanair should change this culture and shift towards experiential marketing. The airline should offer some basic facilities to passengers that can improve their flying experience. Like thee blogger Sparrow states, Ryaniar should learn from JetBlue which provides highly committed customer service. Ryanair is Europe’s carrier which offers aviation services at the most affordable (low) prices. The company claims to offer lowest fares to all of Europe’s destinations (Ryanair Ltd). Ryanair’s cost cutting strategy has been its USP. The company has troubled its competitors using this cutting cost plans. It focuses only on the core offerings and rest of the facilities like hotel accommodation, car services etc are charged (Nwagbara, 207). In this way the airline is able to offer fares that are 40% lesser than its closest competitor (Nwagbara, 207). Ryanair’s decision to cut costs by completely E-tailing its air tickets ensures quick service and profit maximisation. Moreover, the decision to provide short haul routes and point-to-point services ensure non-stop routes and services are

Friday, October 18, 2019

3D in Internet Produce Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

3D in Internet Produce - Assignment Example visual platform.We are meaning to demonstrate that 3D training provides faster, more efficient, and a safe process that can be specifically tailored to the trainee.Two graphic artists are planed to partake in the design of the user interface for the template design.One person will focus on functional aspect of the interface design,while the other will work in collaboration to create the sample training template environment to be modified to suit a given type of training.Our research project will particularly investigate tactile sensors in the 3D industry and their potential in facilitating the user interaction with the virtual world generated via the template to give the impression of real live manipulation.Virtual 3D environments have the potential to significantly affect the way we manipulate and retrieve information.In researching ways to impact training via 3D interaction and interfacing we are also investigating possible axioms for object-oriented 3D internet capable of being ac cessed, constructed, and modified on the fly. The impact the upcoming generations may be as significant as the internet was on the current generation or generation X. (b) Significance of Research Question (if applicable) Explain briefly why you believe your central research question is with answering (its expected contribution to existing scholarship about art or design, and its relation to your own proposed studio research) The basic hypothesis for being able to generate 3D templates for training could literally apply to any aspect of learning and thereby offer a virtually limitless array of possibilities for the development of electronic art and design. 3. How will it be

Historical Developments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Historical Developments - Essay Example This was further intensified when the Royal Proclamation was issued by King George III, prohibiting the colonists to settle beyond the Appalachian Mountains. This was a move to strengthen the British relationships with the Native Americans. Followed by this, there were a number of Acts, namely Sugar Act (1764), Currency Act (1764), Quartering Act (1765) and Stamp Act (1765) increased the duties and taxes of the colonists. When the colonists resisted, these Acts were enforced on them. The Boston Massacre of 1770 ignited the fire between the parties and the colonists used this event to showcase the cruelty of the British. The Intolerable Act (1774) which placed restrictions on meetings and Boston harbor in response to the Boston Tea Party, was a milestone, as it resulted in the colonies forming an Association (First Continental Congress) to boycott British goods in retaliation. The open warfare at Lexington and Concord (1775) resulted in the death of 8 American men and 70 British soldi ers. This was followed by all the 13 colonies meeting to form the Second Continental Congress in May 1775 and George Washington was named the head (Gipson, 1954). Thus the growing grievances of the colonists against the restrictions placed by the British, finally resulted in the American

Experience of Facing or Witnessing Discrimination Personal Statement

Experience of Facing or Witnessing Discrimination - Personal Statement Example The researcher presents his reason for choosing the Coast Guard department as a field of a profession as that he wants to abolish the act of discrimination that causes most of the people to gain a negative impact of the American society. The researcher tells that he has witnessed some acts of discrimination that led him to choose, coast guard as his profession. Here, the author will describe one of them. Originally, the researcher is a Hispanic and he meets with a lot many of people of his race. The researcher happened to meet two boys who were of about his age. They were Hispanic too. The act of illegally crossing the U. S. border caused them to face swear moral and judicial punishment from the society. Although, both of them were subjected to legal punishment, yet the researcher felt a bit of discriminating behavior of the society towards them. Actually, as the author noticed that they were not only subjected to judicial castigation but also to a discriminating behavior from the pe ople in their surroundings. This incident led him to think about the issue deeply. The researcher tried to recognize the factors involved in the act of discrimination. The conclusions told him that the basic factor in the treatment of illegally migrated groups is the treatment of the department directly dealing with such people. The researcher, therefore, concluded that, if the author is to abolish discrimination from the society by playing his part, being a coast guard will provide him the best opportunity to do so. Now, the author is ambitious to join the coast guard department, so that he may be able to deal with illegally migrated people in a new way. The researcher knows that he may not be able to bring a revolution in the department, yet the author is energetic to play his part in abolishing discrimination from the society.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Criminal Psychology Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Criminal Psychology - Case Study Example Indiana ) The majority reached this conclusion based on the fact that the petitioner was deaf, had no ability to read or write and that it was doubtful that the petitioner could even develop an ability to communicate by sign language. Since the petitioner was entirely unable to communicate, it was decided that he should be hospitalized until that time in which he could testify. In the case that he would never be able to communicate, the defendant would be hospitalized permanently. Since Case was found 'not guilty', his term of hospitalization depends entirely upon his own mental state. In the case of Jones vs. United States, the petitioner, Jones, committed a range of felonies and upon hospitalization was diagnosed "Schizophrenia, Paranoid Type." (Jones vs. United States)Jones was eventually granted acquittal based on Insanity, and was hospitalized until considered stable. Since Case was labeled "legally insane," he could be hospitalized until stable in a similar situation. Question 2 An actuarial risk assessment tool is used to predict a dangerous behavior as well as the rate of recurrence, impact and likely victims of said behavior. One such assessment tool used for preventing violence was presented by Patterson and colleagues. This is the SAD PERSONS mnemonic, and it is used to prevent suicides by the interpretation of collected data concerning the possibly suicidal nature of the individual. The VISAT, or Victorian Intervention Screening Assessment Tool, is a risk assessment tool used for sexual offenders. The VISAT uses Corrections personnel to predict future occurrences of criminal behavior base on information about the offender. VISAT also focuses upon 'changeable' aspects of the offender's life in order to indicate where risk is high or where treatment could be effective.There are several positive outcomes of Actuarial risk assessment. Through its process, correctional personnel are able to predict a criminal profile so as to identify when and where a crim inal will commit a felony. Such felonies may be prevented by the use of actuarial risk assessment. However, this type of risk assessment is subject to personal opinion, and one wonders how accurate such a prediction could be. In structure clinical judgment, the assessment is based on clinical interviews and observation. Clinical judgment has the added bonus of a professional opinion administered by a trained clinician. However, structure clinical judgment does not include statistical information of any kind; the assessment is based solely on one person's opinion. In the end, there is always the presence of human error.Currently, the relationship between mental illness and crime seems to be effective. According to Jeanne Y. Choe and colleagues, the highest percentage of offenders occurs in committed patients before hospitalization. This seems

Eating disorder in adolescent Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Eating disorder in adolescent - Research Paper Example Eating disorders tend to develop during adolescence and are much more common to girls and women, where the causes of these disorders are related to psychological and medical issues such as low self esteem, depression, anxiety, trouble coping with emotions and substance abuse. Additionally, eating disorders start by eating less or more than the usual, where the behaviour goes out of control and gets taken over by the person’s life. Smolack and Thompson (32) argue that although the symptoms of eating disorders are known to originate primarily in adolescence, most studies have revealed that these disorders emerge due to lack of solid knowledge on how to eat well and live healthy. Obesity in adolescents has now become a very serious matter, leading to health risks such as hypertension, respiratory problems, mellitus and orthopaedic disorders (Cooper and Stein 76). Matsumoto and Herrin (32), discuses the three types of eating disorders Anorexia, Bulimia and Binge eating disorders , where Anorexia is a condition where an adolescent refuses to eat adequate calories out of an intensive and irrational fear of becoming fat and this condition has greatly risen in the past years among these adolescents. Few cases of Anorexia lead to recovery since some experience alternative bouts of weight gain and weight loss and through this conditions tend to emerge as a result of treatment such as depression and low self esteem among the adolescents. Anorexia has been known to increase risks of deaths among these adolescents and they come as a result of starvation, suicide, and severe low levels of potassium, (Matsumoto and Herrin 33). Anorexia is better when discovered and treated in early stages, since it prevents against mortality among the adolescents. Effective treatments for disorders in eating have been availed to, because Anorexic

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Experience of Facing or Witnessing Discrimination Personal Statement

Experience of Facing or Witnessing Discrimination - Personal Statement Example The researcher presents his reason for choosing the Coast Guard department as a field of a profession as that he wants to abolish the act of discrimination that causes most of the people to gain a negative impact of the American society. The researcher tells that he has witnessed some acts of discrimination that led him to choose, coast guard as his profession. Here, the author will describe one of them. Originally, the researcher is a Hispanic and he meets with a lot many of people of his race. The researcher happened to meet two boys who were of about his age. They were Hispanic too. The act of illegally crossing the U. S. border caused them to face swear moral and judicial punishment from the society. Although, both of them were subjected to legal punishment, yet the researcher felt a bit of discriminating behavior of the society towards them. Actually, as the author noticed that they were not only subjected to judicial castigation but also to a discriminating behavior from the pe ople in their surroundings. This incident led him to think about the issue deeply. The researcher tried to recognize the factors involved in the act of discrimination. The conclusions told him that the basic factor in the treatment of illegally migrated groups is the treatment of the department directly dealing with such people. The researcher, therefore, concluded that, if the author is to abolish discrimination from the society by playing his part, being a coast guard will provide him the best opportunity to do so. Now, the author is ambitious to join the coast guard department, so that he may be able to deal with illegally migrated people in a new way. The researcher knows that he may not be able to bring a revolution in the department, yet the author is energetic to play his part in abolishing discrimination from the society.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Eating disorder in adolescent Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Eating disorder in adolescent - Research Paper Example Eating disorders tend to develop during adolescence and are much more common to girls and women, where the causes of these disorders are related to psychological and medical issues such as low self esteem, depression, anxiety, trouble coping with emotions and substance abuse. Additionally, eating disorders start by eating less or more than the usual, where the behaviour goes out of control and gets taken over by the person’s life. Smolack and Thompson (32) argue that although the symptoms of eating disorders are known to originate primarily in adolescence, most studies have revealed that these disorders emerge due to lack of solid knowledge on how to eat well and live healthy. Obesity in adolescents has now become a very serious matter, leading to health risks such as hypertension, respiratory problems, mellitus and orthopaedic disorders (Cooper and Stein 76). Matsumoto and Herrin (32), discuses the three types of eating disorders Anorexia, Bulimia and Binge eating disorders , where Anorexia is a condition where an adolescent refuses to eat adequate calories out of an intensive and irrational fear of becoming fat and this condition has greatly risen in the past years among these adolescents. Few cases of Anorexia lead to recovery since some experience alternative bouts of weight gain and weight loss and through this conditions tend to emerge as a result of treatment such as depression and low self esteem among the adolescents. Anorexia has been known to increase risks of deaths among these adolescents and they come as a result of starvation, suicide, and severe low levels of potassium, (Matsumoto and Herrin 33). Anorexia is better when discovered and treated in early stages, since it prevents against mortality among the adolescents. Effective treatments for disorders in eating have been availed to, because Anorexic

Examining Government Regulations Essay Example for Free

Examining Government Regulations Essay To briefly describe the current government regulations or standards I researched about kid’s having a single parent that does not get the additional cash assistants that they need to help support their family would be if a kid happens to be born in a family that happens to get additional cash assistants they are normally turned down to get any more. In the state of Ohio the percentage of kid’s with a single parent is at 31% witch is the highest it has ever been. A list of Agencies that will help a single parent with rent and other things that will help them raise their kid’s. â€Å"1. Local Non Profit Agencies Every county has designated agencies that are established to help individuals in times of distress. Local non-profit agencies are equipped to assist single mothers with rent, utility bills, daycare assistance, food, clothing and other necessities. Because they will base the amount of your grant off of your assets and other personal criteria, you will be required to meet with a caseworker who will discuss their program and input your information, including your earned income, proof of residence, past due bills and dependent information. Local non-profit agencies include: Department of Human Services, Department of Social Service Provides WIC, food stamps, daycare assistance and health care assistance such as Medicaid and Medicare, Transportation Assistance, Soup Kitchen, Rent assistance, Free or reduced meals for school-aged children. 2. Local Food Bank. Food banks are commonly found in all areas across the nation and can be accessed by anyone in their time of need. Donations come from grocery stores, wholesalers, restaurant owners and individuals. Once the food is brought in, volunteers sort and pack food kits for families in need. Single mothers can apply with their local food bank to receive assistance with obtaining food. In many cases, single mothers who make too much money to receive additional state or federal benefits are able to receive food donations from food banks. 3. Community Churches and Religious Organizations. Some community churches and temples have organized programs to help single mothers and individuals with low incomes. While the requirements may not be as stringent as local organizations, some churches may still want applicants to show documentation to receive assistance. Local churches often have programs in place to help women with shelter, rent payments, utility payments, clothing needs and food attainment. In addition to local food banks, many churches also have food pantries for members of the community that are in need. 4. Federal Assistance Organizations. When you have exhausted your options on a local level, or simply require further help, there are a variety of federal programs designated to help low-income families and single mothers. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) A federal assistance program that provides temporary cash assistance and food stamps to single mothers and low-income individuals, showing a need. Low Income Housing Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) A federal assistance program that provides assistance with energy-related costs, including paying utility bills, weatherization procedures and/or energy-related home repairs. 5. Grants for Single Mothers There are a variety of grants available to single mothers who are the primary head of household. Some grants have been established for single mothers furthering their education and others are available to all single mothers meeting necessary criteria. While loans must be paid back, grants do not need to be repaid. Institutional grants, The Womens Opportunity Awards, Sunshine Lady Foundation.† There are only a few obstacles that would prevent me from meeting the needs of my target population and those would be the lack of funding the state provides as well as the huge number of people who need the help. Every year more and more people need help with and the funding as well keep’s going down more and more every year as well. Some of the things that need to be considered for change to the social policy that may be necessary in order for my issue to be resolved or for my target population to have its needs satisfied would be for that state to come up with another way to make funding to help those who need the help. Another way would be for that to hold a fun raiser to donate the money to the groups that help those in need.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Hospitality Industry Questions and Answers

Hospitality Industry Questions and Answers Introduction What is Hospitality? People serving you popcorn when you entered a cinema, concierge in a five star hotel and the museum tour guide have the common? They are all work in servicing which is under the house of hospitality industry. Do you know that hospitality industry is the largest industry throughout the world? It is the main source of income for majority countries. Hospitality is not just about a simple servicing, but it involves in showing respect for ones guests, provide for their needs and wants, and treating each other as equals. Hospitality industry involved hotels, casinos, and resorts which provide comfort and a sort of guidance to guests. The term hospital, hospice and hostel are deriving from hospitality and these establishments protect more of the connotation of personal care. It refers to a types of establishment where provide shelter and foods for people which is in needed or away from their home. Hospitality was founded by Bob Luitweiler in year 1949 and this establis hment are responsible in setting up a building, provide secure, pleasant place for a temporary stay, cleaning and maintaining premises. Now days, customers expectation is high. Quality is perhaps the most variable feature in hospitality industry. Answer for Question 1 Hospitality, a contemporaneous human exchange, which is voluntary entered into, and designed to intensify the mutual well being of the parties concerned through the provision of accommodation, and / or food, and / or drink. Hospitality industry had a wide scope. According to the historians, the development of hospitality industry had been traced in a thousand of years and many cultures. A professional hospitality industry must always keep updating according to the needs and wants of the societies. Success in the hotel industry are always relies on catering to the needs of the targeted clientele. Besides, providing a wide variety of services and pleasantness desirable atmosphere will always drive the hospitality industry into a large, multi faceted and diverse industry. The main component in hospitality industry is all about dealing with customers and lead to the satisfaction of the customers in every service provided since the yore days. Hospitality industry has begun since 3000 B.C ago. The field of hospitality encompassing travel, tourism, restaurants, and recreation. There are some advantages and disadvantages for every business and staff. This happen same to hospitality industry. For your knowledge, hospitality industry is a very wide scope; it mainly concentrated in two largest establishments throughout the world. Example for these two establishments is stated in the figure belowà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Lodging What is lodging? It means the lodging segment of the hospitality industry example like hotels, inns, motels, resorts, chalet, and others more. In summary, lodging means any establishment which provides a bed for a fee or embrace of rent and a reasonable allowance for utilities and use appliances and furniture. Basically a lodging establishment always included elements of entertainment, personal services, recreation and food service for wayfarer. Majority of lodging facilities in the world extend from tiny bed and breakfasts meal to the latest development, megaresorts. Niches between these ultimate include commercial hotels, city center hotels, resort hotels, suburban hotels, highways hotels/motels, airport hotels, economy properties, conference centers, all suite hotels, and casino hotels. Essence of a successful set of business operations means the successful in exchange products or services for value. In a set of business, its a chain of supply with demand. Luxury hotels are selling their suite and other kind of facilities in the hotel to the guests which provide their demand. Supply and demand is the point where profits earn in a business. Product and services in a service industry like lodging, is a holistic concept. It consist of tangibles like hotel type and physical amenities and intangibilities like services provided by the lodging staff. Customer wants and needs are always changing and varied. As customer are becoming increasingly demanding, hotels must be designed and created to be more responsive and effective in order to achieve different travelers needs and wants. Advantages In 21st century, people have a necessity in staying at some city or town for an extended period of time. When a people are away from home, lodging is the only accommodation for them to have a stay. Many people are worried about how much they are going to spend for the accommodation. As a matter of fact, staying in a hotel got a couple of benefits. Privilege of day services such like room cleaning and laundry really put away the stress of the guests in doing the laundry them self after a tiring working day. Leisure places like gymnastic room or swimming pool are other attractions for customer to choosing in staying in a hotel. Since price is the first priority to the customer, hotel must be always updated to the latest promotions and events from the competitors. Furthermore, localization played an important role in advantages in lodging. There are two types of location of a hotel which is more preferred by peoples. First of all is conference hotel which is located in a city or a conference area of a country. These hotels normally targeted more on businessman. The location of the hotel enables them to travel to the work place or meeting center easily. Secondly are vocational locations. Hotels which is located near a beautiful view example like beach resort or a hotel located in a tourism area are mostly targeted on family. These hotels are free from the peak working hour in a busy city, free from noise and air pollution is always the selection of a family vacation. Environment is another factor of advantages in lodging. Example like a hotel located on a beautiful waterfront enable the guest to enjoy the mesmerizing views from their room. It is an indeed to stay at one of these hotels for stressful or a busy businessman. Do you know that other than the view of a lodging, customers demand for quality entertainment too? Good entertainment example like a luxury pub, sea diving or even a luxury swimming pool will attracts more guests with stress release and entertainment seeker demand. Disadvantages Large hotels with thousands of rooms, modern leisure facilities and wide choice of dining options are always the advantages in lodging. But, this also causes disadvantages to the lodging. A waiting line in reception area always can be seen in large lodging. A large hotel requires good management. A failure management will just slow down the running process in a hotel daily. We cant predict whether the guest will have a late check out and this causes the incoming guest to have a wait before they can check into their room. Secondly, a large hotel sometimes will face the problem of insufficient staffs. In a luxury dining, due to the staff are insufficient, they are always run off their feet by the number of guests. Unfortunately, guests will be kept waiting when they need something while the staffs are busying in handling another guest. Example like you ask for a menu, you might be able to be waiting for the menus to be brought to you until your stomach start rumbling. Food service Food service is a large industry which deals with all the preparations of food outside the home. Example like establishing a restaurant, catering a wedding party, and running a cafeteria are all forms of food service. Normally these restaurants lay institutional food service in business, colleges, hospitals and remedial faculties. A bunches amount of goods and services fall under the coverage of food service, example like establishment which transport food and equipment related to kitchen, silverware and so forth. Job opportunities had been wider up due to human energy is needed in this set of industry. Restaurateurs, waiters, dietitians and chefs are some example of worker needed in food service industry. Some people in this industry are sent for training so that they are qualified to work in this industry. High class luxury dining needs talent and qualified people to work in it. Colleges now days are offering hospitality courses. In year 2008, there were 546,300 privately owned food service and drinking places around the United Sates. 47 percent of these establishment primarily serve patrons who order and pay before eating while 39 percent of establishment offer full service restaurant; being served well and after consume their delicious cuisine only make a payment. Another 9 percent had been comprised by drinking places and special food service like caterers had comprised about 5 percent of all establishments in this industry. Food service can be defined as worlds most widespread and familiar industry. Advantages In food service industry, human energy is needed in a big amount. From the chef, assistant chef until waiter got quite a many positions. Here is where the job opportunities once again wider up. The requirements for these positions example like a cleaner in a dining or waiters do not need high education levels. People with a diploma or degree on hand can hold the position of a manager in a department. As there is getting more and more lodging and dining is developing, it is quite an opportunities for youngers out there to get a bright future for themselves through hardworking. Besides, food industry targeted people which are looking for foods when they are starving. This is why choosing a correct location will be the final judges on how well the set of business will go. A restaurant which located in a down town of course will grab some customers from the busy working life in the city. First its easy to find, save up the customer time, and even some time rusher people can just have a take away meal near a restaurant near his / her company. In this highly competitive hospitality industry, a well and professional trained staff is essential to the key of success of any food service establishment. Besides, technology influences the food services industry in many ways by enhancing efficiency and productivity. Order are being taken down by electronic devices, patron seating are all contributing in an efficient fast serving Disadvantages Yes it is an advantage when the job opportunities are getting wider and a student which is just graduated will be easier to get a job in hospitality industry. But, a new staff with just a piece of diploma or degree and without any working experience will eventually affect the efficiency of service in any establishment. Some time in on the job training will be needed again before these new employees are able to handle the tasks and responsibilities in a restaurant. Besides, location of a restaurant in down town is a good starting point in successful service industry. But, do you know it is very expensive for the rental for the shop which is located in down town? Shop lots in down town got limited quantities too, and competitors are many out there. Another factor which leads to disadvantages in food service industry is about the working hour. Works in the food industry are always grueling and demanding. Working hours are often long and irregular and dealing with varied and complex situation. Besides, people also must highly attune to the need of customer satisfaction. However, wages are heavily based on the tips from customers, and employees may have a limited access to the benefits and protections from the government such as minimum wage laws. Conclusion In hospitality industry, good service is the top priority and is the primary focus in order to achieve customer satisfaction. Working in hospitality industry must always keep this in mind, Customers do not buy service delivery but they buy experiences; they do not buy service quality but they buy memories; they do not buy foods and drinks but the buy meal experiences; they do not buy event or functions but they buy occasions. In hospitality industry, we are the dreamers of dreams. We are required to make the guest to feel that the host being hospitable through feelings of generosity which is a desire to please and a genuine regard for the guest as an individual. Remember, hospitality industries are always an honorable profession and we are the industry which mostly deals with customers needs and wants. Question 2 Find out the factors that affecting travel and tourism. Explain in detail Introduction Travel and tourism is mainly for recreation, leisure or business purposes. Tourism is very important to the hospitality industry as it is the main support of the revenue in lodging. Tourism refers to the activities of persons travelling to and staying in a place outside for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purpose. Therefore, these people are considered to be tourists; on a visit that is temporary and short term. These organizations include restaurants, hotels, motels and resorts. There are two types of tourism which is domestic tourism and outbound tourism. Domestic tourism refers to people which take holidays or a few days trip in their own country. Example like a family is visit to another part of the country. Outbound tourism refers to people which travel away from home and visit to another country for leisure or business purpose. However, no matter what type of travel it is, these people will always ended up in staying in lodging. This is where the revenue of the hospitality industry started. Answer for Question 2 Travel and tourism has become a popular global leisure activity. Tourists are generally classified in statistics according to the duration and purpose of their journey. Day trippers refers to tourists which is away from home just for a day and dont need any accommodation. Visitors which need an accommodation can be classified by their length of stay, such as one night or more. These visitors may be classified as to whether they are touring for business or leisure purposes. People travel for leisure is because they are living in a hectic life style, they are seeking for a relaxation which is away from a busying life, and they need a rest and prestige. There are a few factors which affecting travel and tourism. Growing Leisure Leisure can be defined as the opposite meaning of idleness. People now days are busying in working, keeping themselves in a busy and hectic life style. But, as the world is neither changing, nor the policies in any organization is changing too. Most of the companies out there had been generous in providing their employees paid holidays and even some large organization are providing a three day weekends. A more flexible arrangements has been added into peoples leisure time, and eventually, these liberal company policies had enable the employees to go for a vacation or travel to give themselves a break. Income In the 21st century, most of the women are working in order to maintain their family income. What does it mean by maintain the family income? It is more on referring if one spouse loses a job, that wont causes elimination of all the family income. Besides, due to the education which is though is school or college, women had more motives in working outside. They seek for challenges, they seek for work which is professional and excitement and another reason why women choose to work after marriage is they want to give a more comfortable and satisfying life to her family. Everyone works in maintaining a comfortable life style. Of course, when you are busy in working, especially for a marriage person, after a tiring working day, they might still need to take care of their children at home in the night and some house works still need to be done. Eventually, leisure time for our own will be immolated. So, if there is a time for them to get away from this hectic life style, it is not surpris ing when they spend their money on the goods and services they demanded. Time will be a bounty for them. They wont bother about the price for their travel, because it is not easy for them to get a rest in such pressure and hectic life style, good and quality travelling will always be their wise choice. Push and Pull Factors The travelling motives for people tend to categorize as escaping from and / or escaping to a particular destination. Push factor brings up the meaning of a person who travel to a place due to his / her response in what is missing. Pull factors brings up the meaning of attractiveness of a places and attract the people to visit to it. Push and pull factor can be classifies into nine motives to travel which seven of those are socio psychological or known as push motives; the other two are defined as cultural or pull motives. Push motives are escapism, relaxation, retrogression, social inter action, self exploration and prestige while pull motives are innovation and education. There is also two main type of push and pull factors which is personal and interpersonal. Interpersonal is a result of social interaction. Personal rewards are self determination, sense of competence or challenge. Technology change Technological changes within tourism included several different factors from medical advances to the innovative tourism. Better communication, transport like cruise ships and safety have emboldened new customers which demand easier, quicker and cheaper service, this demand can only be fulfill by the help of technology. Besides, new transportation also got an advance in time management. Shorter and efficient time period is just needed for a person to travel from a country to another side of the planet. Furthermore, through technological advances, online booking has been one of the biggest factors in affecting travel and tourism. Users are enabling to check for travelling packages from tour agencies websites and direct purchase it by just a few clicks at home without need to go to the agencies. With the association and sponsored from different tour agencies and organizations, MATTA FAIR had been organized. MATTA FAIR is an open public fair which offer supreme packages which can be affo rd by economical income family. Development in technology had leads more and more people are getting to travelling around the world rather than remain at their own country and stick in the hectic daily schedule. Demographic The topic middle aging of America which is a significant demographic change had proved that middle age generally indicated to higher income and a greater propensity to travel. The group of people with age around 35 to 44 is most likely to stay in accommodations or a longer outstation trip, whether is for leisure or business purpose. Another significant demographic development for tourism is about the growing of the mature market which mean group of people with age over 55. This group of people got their mortgages paid and a large proportion of them have a nest egg of savings and retirement benefits to withdrawn. This had enabled these groups of people to travel around the world and enjoy for the rest for their life. This people with age 55 65 years old as the first baby boomers which move into their mature years will be very excited and active in seeking a whole new experience which is deal with the travel and leisure moment in their life after being retired. And this is the reason they are able to have a long period vacation. Another group of aging people which is over the age of 85 normally suggest an expansion in assisted living facilities. Safety Security Safety and security have been identified as one of the global forces that would drive the tourism industry in a new millennium. Things that tourisms worried when they are staying in a hotel at any destination are all about the same which is: Assault Raping Larceny Robbery Fire within premises Protecting the lives of guests and workers, property and assets of the business from criminal actions includes security checks on existing design and technology. Lighting of the public and external areas, building access, key control, security of guestroom doors, and guarding of the property must be always keep updated and check by the maintenance department. All the employees should be trained to know about all the appropriate security procedures when there is an emergency happened example like a fire situation. If the safety and security in a lodging establishment is good and well management, eventually guests which stay at the first time will get good impression from it and eventually will recognize it to their friends when they back to their country. Conclusion Travel and tourism is important to the hospitality industry. The most common reason why people go for travel is leisure, and sometimes followed by business. An attractive environment appeals to tourists, whether is natural or built, and the development of the industry in a locality will relate to the surrounding area. People are travelling by car more than any other means. Travel by air had been increase over the last 10 years. But, the fares begin to rise and this causes people taught that travelling is expensive. This is why some people just ignore travelling and keep themselves in busy working. Communications between air lines and tourism industry should make an agreement in order to bring up the tourism industry. Rising of fares will never give any help in bringing the tourism industry to a new millennium.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

First-class Opportunities for Mature Students Essay -- Postgraduate Stu

A recent report has outlined several ways for universities to adapt to the rising amount of older learners seeking higher education. Published by Universities UK, the document addresses the growing demand for courses which are tailored to the needs of students who have completed their careers. The text says that, due to the projected rise in older learners – based upon the increased life expectancy of the UK population and the multiplying numbers of HE applications by this market – universities need to ‘find fresh ways of adapting to and supporting an ageing population’. Within the document, the authors call on universities to assist in promoting demographic change; Professor Chris Phillipson and Jim Ogg (both Keele University staff) say that a changed perception of older generations, and their role within society, can be promoted by higher education institutions through the introduction of fundamental alterations. The text advises universities to increase their involvement with support services aimed at older people, and to actively encourage psychological health in over 50s, ...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Garlic: A Taste for Health :: Botany

Garlic: A Taste for Health Culinary garlic is one of the most medically studied herbs today. it has been cultivated since the Neolithic period around 10,000 BC. This bulb has flavored the food of hunters and nomads after the discovery of its intensively robust flavor. The summarians (2600 BC-2100 BC) were actively practicing the healing powers of garlic, and some believe the summarians to have introduced garlic to China, from where it later spread to Japan and Korea. However, some taxonomists believe garlic to be endemic to China. Records have indicated that the medicinal respect for garlic was not fully appreciated in regions of India, China, as well as in southern Europe. The summarians had been using garlic for some time before others caught on to its medicinal success. Many cultures have remedied various ailments with this potent herb. The Egyptians, documented on a papyrus dating back to 1500 BC, prescribed garlic for 22 diseases (1). And according to the 5th century Greek historian Herodotus, the Egyptians had carved an inscription into the great pyramid of King Khufu (Cheops) detailing the amount of garlic, onions, and radishes eaten by the slaves during the twenty-year building period. Egyptians slaves caused the first ever-recorded strike when a ration of garlic did not turn up on time (1). The slaves ate garlic to increase their stamina and to maintain their over-all health. Cloves of garlic have been found in the tomb of Tutankamen who ruled Egypt until 1338 BC. And the Egyptians were not the only ones to worship garlic. According to Theophrastus, ancient Greeks offered garlic on piles of stones at crossroads as a supper for Hecate, god of the underworld. The Bible has even mentioned the Israelites, delivered out of bondage by Moses, complaining of their food and wishing for the same things they had been eating while they were slaves: "Oh, that we had some of the delicious fish we enjoyed so much in Egypt, and the wonderful cucumbers and melons, leeks, onions, and garlic!" (Numbers 11:5, The Living Bible; 2). This pungent herb is also mentioned in the literature of other great kingdoms: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome (2). Garlic can be found medically prescribed in ancient texts as far back as 1550 BC (1). Garlic was always an ingredient in potions thought to cure external and internal disease (1). The ancient Greeks and Romans used the herb from anything like repelling scorpions to curing bladder infections.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Planning And Decision Making Essay

Many organizations lack a better planning and decision making systems that usually leads to the failure of there operations, in this case planning refers to the overall integrated planning system within an organization which incorporates both strategic and corporate planning. An organization is a consciously coordinated social unit composed of two or more people that functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals. Therefore corporate planning can only be achieved through management functions; planning, which encompasses defining organization goals establishing an overall strategy for achieving those goals and developing a comprehensive hierarchy of plans to integrate and coordinate activities, organizing, which is the determination of what tasks have to be done, who does them how the tasks are to be grouped? Who reports to whom and where decisions are to be made. Controlling, this involves monitoring the organizations performance, leading, which involves managers motivating subordinates, directing the activities to be done, selecting the most appropriate channels of communication and resolving any conflicts among the employees Taking a look at Toyota Industries Corporation that was started in the year 1937 by Kiichirro Toyoda. It started off by manufacturing and selling automatic looms. Later on it extended by manufacturing automobiles including vehicles, car air conditioning compressors and engines. Toyota Company is widely known all over the world as an automobile manufacturer. It proudly owns the title of the world’s largest automaker company. It is known to be the largest then followed by General Motors Company. This company made sales worth 4. 72 million in the first half of the year 2007. It actually made a profit of $ 15. 09 billion. This paper is dealing with an evaluation of the success that this Company is having. This company is known to have production bases in Asia, Europe, Japan, India, China and North America. Toyoda, 2005) Orientation This company is reported to have a better management system that is referred to as the Toyota Production System which is made up of practices that are meant to organize the company’s logistics and its production; it is also found to encouraging a better communication between the company and its clients. Evaluation of Toyota Company shows tremendous success in the year 2007. This has actually ended the reign of the world best selling trademark of General Motors. An evaluation of the success of Toyota Company shows that it has really expanded various markets worldwide. This has enabled it to reach a very wide scope of customers. Evaluation on the success of Toyota Company shows that it has really opened up so many outlets all over the world including Africa. This has helped customers to easily access Toyota products unlike before. That is why this Company is really enjoying the booming success. (Dr. Shoichiro 2006) Planning is very important in any organization. This is because it helps the organization to easily replace personnel who get promotions or those who get transfers. This is because organizations nowadays carry out management development on all the leaders and managers in an organization. This helps an organization to have a pool of qualified personnel. It also helps an organization to carry out technological advancement. This is because the organization’s personnel are qualified and quite updated in the current technology. (www. onesixsigma. com) Key Processes  The system was founded between the years 1948 and the year 1975 which at the moment referred to as â€Å"Just in Time production† it was regarded as a house like design through which most of its workers once they are recruited they first of all get trained first before they start working in the company this actually shows how committed Toyota is in implementing a good performance oriented workforce, in this case we find that after an employee is trained and found to be successful then he is promoted with an ambition of meeting the expected company standards that are set. From the Toyota Production we find that the Managers can use this to identify the training goals. A manager needs to review his employee’s skills and the areas that they need to improve. These needs in the managerial skills will help in making goals. To find out this, the manager needs to asses the workforce and through this he can know what they are able to do and what they can’t do. Therefore the manager cannot just do this by himself. He needs assistance from other people. They can assist in reviewing his performance. Such people include the supervisors. These people can give invaluable information on the areas that need to be improved and give insight on the behaviors exhibited at work. During the planning the manager needs to consider the training programs that are being offered. The manager needs to carry out plan implementation. After that the manager needs to evaluate himself if he achieved his goals. The TPS also ensures that there is a minimal wastage of resources in the company, since the company regards wastage of resources as a result of de-motivation to its employees. Any organization that carries out management development usually experiences an increase in its productivity. When the personnel in an organization get skills in management there will be an increase in production. (www. onesixsigma. com) The founders of the Toyota production system had an ambition of eliminating the burdens which was referred to as the â€Å"muri†, also to curb the inconsistency referred to as the â€Å"mura† and the other reason for establishing the system is avoid wastage which was referred to as â€Å"muda† therefore we find that the company using the system has therefore discovered on how to reduce factors leading to wastage in the production of the firm. (www. onesixsigma. com) This has led to a better decision making in the firm whereby the system defines that better results are always founded on the right process of production whereby the companies are always urged to come up with a continuous flow of communication in order to indicate the threats of the company, we also find that the company encourages the use of the pull system which is directed towards the avoidance of overproduction, the other way that will enable a company to achieve its goals is to have a levelised workload whereby the employees are allowed to work at a lower speed in order to have better production results rather than working with a high speed to give poor results. In figure one, we find that the diagram has indicated that the company operates in two ways the Jidoka and the Just on Time processes whose goal is to enable a high quality production at a lower cost and within the shortest time limit. Here we find the company actually deals with the reduction of the cost of its products and also on the improvement of the quality of its products. Research indicates that Toyota is in a position of producing one vehicle in every six seconds which results into a total of six million vehicles per year, we also find that the company does not employ people who are given the responsibility but the members themselves report to be disciplined in a manner that they always clean their own offices, this policy has been found to be successful in ensuring that the workers report to their working areas with aim of improving their productivity. Key Learnings Management development is very beneficial to organizations. Many organizations that have embraced this usually have efficient and effective personnel. This improves the productivity hence leading to financial gains. The managers are skilled and will deal with issues that can cause losses efficiently. Figure two below indicating the ways Toyota puts together it production process, the company is reported to be successful as a result of encouraging its employees to work together as a team Whereby in terms of staffing, we find that the Toyota company actually employs more than 4,000 workers each day who are always provided with a number of two working shifts, in this company we find that the employees work in terms of teams, under which each team is made of a minimum of four to six employees, research also indicates that eight teams in the company make a whole group which is therefore provided with a team leader. Under the management in the organization we find that the company improves the performance of their workers through a better paying system which research indicates that every member in the team is paid at least ? 7,000 including this is inclusive of shift and overtime premium, they are also provided with a private healthcare. (www. onesixsigma. com) Where also find that there exist the policies of continuous improvement which is the company terms it as Kaizen action meetings which are regarded as circles of quality whereby the member staffs are involved in the improvement of the performance of the employees. This is well encouraged where the company is found to be offering Kaizen prizes after every six months. in the meetings a manager managing a team of twenty five groups is given an opportunity of deciding which group manager is the best after which all the managers in the company decides which group manager is the best to win the presentation. Then the two of the managers are given a chance to travel to Japan for a kaizen conference and give the story about their performance. For all these reasons we find that this Kaizen is used a way of improving the employees performance in the Toyota company and therefore the other companies planning to be as successful as Toyota one needs to implement the same policy in his or her organization. (www. onesixsigma. com) When evaluating the success in this Company, one can’t fail to notice the improved marketing strategies that have been incorporated therein. The company carried out outsourcing of experts who carried out market research on the target customers of this nation. The Company was therefore in a position to strategize so that it could overthrow the previous automobile manufacturer-General Motors. Marketing strategies were put in place to target the affluent customers all over the world. This played a big role in the success of Toyota Company. These marketing strategies included participating in sports. Toyota Company vehicles were used in motor spots and this actually marketed the vehicles. The Super 2000 Corolla and Peugeot were won in motors spots that were carried out late in the year 2007. (Toyoda, 2005) Toyota Company has had various acquisitions which influenced its success. It acquired 8. 7% of Fuji Industries. This Company is the manufacturer of Subaru vehicles. Toyota Company also acquired 5. 9% of Isuzu Motors. These strategies highly influenced the success of Toyota Company in the year 2007. This made Toyota Company to overtake General Motors. Toyota Company really strategized and incorporated new technologies in its manufacturing system. These technologies include an advanced parking guidance system and automatic power buttons. This resulted in the manufacture of hybrid gas-electric vehicle. This was produced in very large numbers. This hybrid gas-electric vehicle is sold at one million all over the world. This played a big role in the entire success of Toyota Company. (Dr. Shoichiro 2006) Evaluation of the success of Toyota Company shows that one of the factors that influenced its overall success in the year 2007 is branding. This company manufactures a wide variety of brands. This gives customers a wide variety of vehicles to choose from this Company. These brands include Lexus GS, Toyota Camry, Toyota 4Runner, Toyota Tundra, Toyota Land Cruiser, Toyota Prius etc. This has also played a big role in the success of Toyota Company. Surveys carried out on Toyota Company products show a great improvement on the quality of its products. This influenced the general success of this Company until it overtook the previous world leader- General Motors Company. It brands are actually preferred by customers because of quality and durability. Toyota produced Lexus and Scion automobiles which ranked top in reliability and quality surveys. They also ranked best according to various consumer reports. According to the annual report of Toyota Company 2007, there was much incorporation of team work which greatly influenced the success of Toyota Company. This Company has a large market share in United States and Asia. (Wooly, 2006) Conclusion According to the annual report in Toyota Company, approximately 4. 72 million vehicles were sold by the first half of the year 2007. This ended seventy six year reign of General Motors Company. Evaluation of the success of Toyota Company’s success in the year 2007 shows that this company incorporated various strategies that played a big role in its success. These included outsourcing of experts, incorporation of new marketing strategies and opening up of very many outlets all over the world. Branding aspect in this Company was well used by the marketing experts and this is how Toyota Company managed to overthrow the previous world leading manufacturer – General Motors Company. The market share for Toyota Company in United States of America is enviable. This Company currently has the challenge of maintaining its leadership role in the automobile industry.